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Bar Soap v.s. Liquid Soap v.s. Foam Soap

Nowadays, people pay more attention to good individual hygiene habits, especially right now in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hand -washing is one of the best and easiest one to protect yourself and your loved ones from getting infections. Germs not only spread from other people, but also spread from surfaces which are exposed for longer time. A soap bottle in your home will keep you and your family away from bacteria. There are various types of soap on the shelves for your option, as well as different kinds of soap packaging solutions. Are you in soap industry and looking for glass bottle manufacturer of soap packaging? Please consult our team of glass bottle designs and glass bottle maker, best soap bottles are ready for your specific requests. Design custom soap bottles for brand owners.

When to Wash Your Hands?

In a word, try to wash your hands as frequently as you can. Please keep this guideline in mind:

  • Before touching any food or eating
  • After using the bathroom
  • After handling animals or animal wastes

How to Wash Your Hand In Healthy Way?

Washing your hands is easy, and it’s one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs. Clean hands can stop germs from spreading from one person to another and throughout an entire community—from your home and workplace to childcare facilities and hospitals.

Follow these five steps every time.

  • Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
  • Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
  • Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
  • Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
  • Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.

Hand washing plays an important role in preventing the spread of diseases, staying healthier and keeping your family safe. Washing your hands with soap is better than just washing them with clean water, because the soaps can help you to kill many viruses and bacteria. It is very common for you to find bar soaps and liquid soaps in supermarkets or those small shops which are near to your homes. Both the bar soap and liquid soap can help you to be healthier. However, have you wondered which type of soap is better? In the following article, we will go further to the two types of soaps.

Both the Bar soap and Liquid soap are effective against bacteria and viruses, as long as you are washing your hands properly and for a long enough time-at least 20 seconds. It is hard to say which soap is better simply, because they are equally effective on removing dirt, germs and keeping your skin healthy. However, there are still various advantages and disadvantages associated with both bar and liquid soaps. Here let us together to study the pros and cons.

What is Bar Soap?

Bar soap is the soap that sold in the form of solid oblong cakes, which is a simply soap that comes in a solid bar shape. You get it wet in your hands; then you can use the soap directly on your skin or apply it with a washcloth or loofah. Bar soap is most commonly made from saponified animal fat and/or plant oils. For those of us that don’t understand chemistry, saponification is the name of the process by which animal or vegetable fats are blended with a strong alkali to make soap.

Advantages of Bar Soap

Fewer Ingredients— For the all-natural, keep-it-simple folks, bar soap is always made with fewer ingredients. This way you will know exactly what is going on your skin.

  • Gets Out That Dirt— The general act of rubbing the bar soap against your skin creates some friction that loosens debris on the skin so it can help clean out those larger particles.
  • More Eco-friendly—There is typically less packaging involved and it is usually encased in cardboard rather than a plastic bottle.
  • Budge-friendly— Without the cost of packaging and fewer ingredients, bar soap will almost always be more wallet friendly.

Disadvantages of Bar Soap

  • Dries Out Skin More— Bar soap typically has a higher PH, which can dry our your skin. Some products are infused with ingredients like glycerin that actually soothes the skin. Keep an eye out for this if you are concerned.
  • Countertop Residue— We all know about that Bar soap mush that lingers on the soap dish and counter.

What is Liquid Soap ?

Liquid soap is a type of liquid and product which is used in homes, hotels and restaurants as a form of soap dispensed from a bottle or soap dispenser. Liquid soaps are petroleum based and require emulsifying agents and stabilizers in order maintain their consistency. These agents have been tested and approved by the appropriate governing agencies but few if any actual studies exist showing the long-term effects of repeated use of these chemicals.

Advantages of Liquid Soap

  • Moisturizing— A key bonus of a liquid hand soap is that formulas can include more ingredients that help moisturize the skin. Vitamin E oil, shea butter, natural extracts, glycerin, and the list goes on. While Bar soap keeps it simple, liquid hand soap does have a lot of goodness that gets included in the formula.
  • Counter-space Efficient— It is tidy, it is neat, and it can add to your bathroom aesthetics.
  • A Smoother Lather— The formula of a liquid soap was created to get that sudsy, rich lather that goes smoothly on the skin. Since we are doing a lot of hand-washing these days, it is often the preferred experience.

Disadvantages of liquid soap

  • Less Eco-friendly— There is definitely more packaging and so it is a product that will take much more energy to create and more energy to recycle.
  • The Price Point— More ingredients and more packaging will also translate to a little more dinero.

Popular Foam Soap

Apart from traditional Liquid soap, now we have another choice–foam soap. Many businesses and other public areas are increasingly turning to foaming soap due to its cost-effectiveness. Studies have shown that people use about 16% less water on average when washing with foam soap, saving huge amount of water. More over, foaming soap takes less soap to create foaming soap.

How Does Foam Soap Work?

Foaming soap starts in its container as a liquid. When someone pumps the container, air is injected into the liquid, creating the foam.

As a result, foaming soap also cuts costs by using less liquid while still looking like you have a lot of soap in your hands. 

Is Foam Soap Better Than Liquid Soap?

Foam soap may be cheaper, but it turns out that liquid soap is much more effective at killing germs. In one study, researchers found that liquid hand soap caused a statistically significant drop in germs on the hand. Foaming soap also decreased the amount of germs present on the subjects’ hands, but by a smaller margin.

The researchers suspect that liquid soap was more effective for two reasons. Firstly, it comes out un-lathered — the washer must lather their hands up, leading to a more complete coverage of the hands with soap.

The other reason is the amount of soap that comes out. Foam soap is a bit misleading — a lot less soap comes out than what meets the eye, thanks to the air injection to create the foam.

It appears that non-foaming liquid soap is more effective at killing germs. But, foaming soap is more cost effective when making your own and saves more water ; both making a positive impact on the environment. 


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